Início Course Codecademy vs Datacamp vs Pluralsight vs Udacity – Which is better?

Codecademy vs Datacamp vs Pluralsight vs Udacity – Which is better?


With the market constantly stimulating professional training, Distance Learning platforms are increasingly popular with a considerable part of the population. Therefore, platforms responsible for offering professional training courses with high technical capacity at an affordable price are increasingly emerging.

Some of these platforms are responsible for producing and promoting their own courses. Others establish partnerships with the largest universities in the world, hosting their courses and distributing them to the entire world population. Some of these platforms seek to offer courses in different areas of expertise, while others, in turn, offer extremely targeted courses for very specific niches.

It is up to you, the student who is looking to take a vocational course to stand out in the market, to get to know each of these platforms to find out which one offers the training you need at the moment. And to help you identify the best platform for your training, in this article we present 4 of the most comprehensive and renowned teaching platforms: Codecademy, Datacamp, Pluralsight and Udacity.

What is Codecademy

codecademy courses

Codecademy is an American company, with an interactive platform that offers programming courses in different formats, such as:

  • jQuery
  • Javascript
  • Python
  • Ruby
  • PHP
  • Java

In addition, Codecademy also has training focused on markup language, including HTML and CSS.

Codecademy is accredited

The Codecademy is a private company , qualified to provide professional training service in the areas of technology and computer science. Thus, their certificates are accepted in the academic market and in the professional market, since Codecademy offers free courses.

How Codecademy Works


The Codecademy is a signature platform aimed at niche programming and computer science. You register in the option that best meets your expectations, and you have access to all the platform’s resources, being able to take all the courses that this option covers.

Codecademy Prices

The prices Codecademy vary the signature category, ranging from $ 15.99 to $ 50.00 per month, usually paid in a lump sum, or in installments on credit card. By choosing one of the premium options, you have access to:

  • Access to basic courses
  • Exclusive content for members
  • Practices for the mobile version
  • Access to real projects to practice content worked in class
  • support group
  • Certificate of completion of each completed course

Codecademy has Free Courses

Also, in case you don’t want to invest in a complete education, with access to all these resources, Codecademy has free courses in the areas of programming and computer science. In the free option, resources are limited, but the student will already have access to up-to-date professional content and will be able to learn about the platform to evaluate the possibility of joining a premium option.

Codecademy has certificate

The Codecademy has certified for all who complete any of the courses of the particular modalities. Completed free courses are not certified.

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Who is Codecademy for

The Codecademy is the ideal platform for all professional or student of programming and computer science areas. That’s because its format encourages the constant updating of technical knowledge, facilitating not only the adhesion to the labor market, but also its constant qualification and improvement.

User experience

The user experience Codecademy tends to be satisfactory in most cases because the platform attracts highly qualified public, ie public that already has interest and familiarity with the areas addressed in the platform. Still, occasionally some users may have divergent opinions for various reasons.

It should be noted, however, that the Codecademy user experience stands out for the following aspects:

  • Optimized and extremely intuitive layout
  • Content being constantly updated, aligned with the demands and expectations of the job market
  • Ability to interact with support staff
  • Content produced by experts in the fields of computer science and programming

Codecademy Instructors

The Codecademy selects its trainers obeying specific technical criteria. All Codecademy courses are taught by renowned professionals with proven experience in the areas of interest covered by the platform. Many of them are instructors or students from the largest universities in the world.

Codecademy is worth it

The Codecademy worth it for those who are already familiar with the areas of programming and computer science, or even for those who do not have prior knowledge but search specialize to act in the market. This is because the platform is created specifically for the public that works in this area, being both an excellent option in terms of cost-effectiveness and an excellent investment in terms of professional training as a whole.

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What is Datacamp

What is Datacamp

Datacamp is a company founded in 2013 that seeks to stand out in the niche of professional training in data science. Similar to Codecademy, Datacamp has a monthly subscription plan that allows you to access all courses on the platform.

Datacamp is accredited

Datacamp is an accredited company, qualified to offer open courses that contribute to the training of professionals in the field of data science. It is not considered a higher education institution, but a technology company with the qualifications to offer training and education.

How Datacamp works

How Datacamp works

Datacamp works through a monthly or annual subscription, both for you and for your company. Each of the subscription options has different features and functionality, seeking to meet different audiences and expectations.

Datacamp Prices

Datacamp’s prices vary depending on the plan you choose:

  • Free: Free access to limited resources
  • Basic: about $12.00 a month to get you access to basic tools that contribute to your data science education
  • Premium: US$33.50 per month, for you to have access to all the features of the basic plan and still have access to real projects to practice your skills developed in the courses
  • Professional: Simple features to meet the demands of small teams for $25.00 per month
  • Business: customized solutions for your team, whose value is defined after contacting Datacamp to obtain a personalized proposal

Datacamp has Free Courses

The Datacamp has free courses that meet the demands of many professionals. However, their free courses do not offer certificates, and they do not give you access to real projects to practice your skills.

Datacamp has Certificate

All Datacamp subscription plans entitle you to a certificate upon completion of each course. Only courses taken for free are not certified.

Who is Datacamp for

The Datacamp is ideal for those seeking work with data science, with or without any prior experience in the field or even in areas such as programming, information technology and computer science as a whole.

User experience

There are 3 characteristics that contribute to Datacamp’s user experience being evaluated as positive:

  • Constant investment in improving its technologies, constantly improving the layout and features of the platform as a whole
  • Service targeted to an extremely segmented audience
  • Possibility of the client to know the content of the courses for free, and adhere to the plans only after realizing that it is worth investing in the acquisition of certificates and full access to all platform features

Datacamp Instructors

The Datacamp has instructors recognitions widely for their professional effectiveness. Many of them are university professors or have exemplary academic training in the fields of computer science and data science.

Datacamp is worth it

Datacamp is worthwhile both for those who are already professionals in the field and for those who do not have any experience. However, it is worth mentioning that people with little or no experience in the data science field need full support, and particular plans for these cases are strongly recommended.

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What is Pluralsight

What is Pluralsight

The Pluralsight is an American company of the online education market that offers courses and training professionals in different areas, covering professionals working as:

  • software developers
  • IT administrators
  • Creative professionals in general

Its courses can add value both for those who are not yet working in the field and for experienced professionals.

Pluralsight is accredited

Pluralsight is an accredited company, qualified to provide distance education and professional training services. However, its courses fall into the categories of open courses and professional courses, and are not, therefore, equivalent to a University course.

How Pluralsight works

Pluralsight is worth it

The Pluralsight works as a signature platform with fixed monthly amount and the possibility of holding various courses. Thus, the greater the student’s availability of time, as well as their familiarity with the teaching platform, the greater their use will be, as they will take more courses each month.

Pluralsight Prices

The subscription price of Pluralsight varies by category. Currently, the company has the following options:

  • Standard Individual (monthly): US$ 29.00
  • Premium Single (monthly): $45.00
  • Standard Individual (annual): US$ 299.00
  • Premium Single (annual): US$499.00
  • Business Starter: $399.00 per year for each user
  • Business Professional: $579.00 per year for each user
  • Enterprise Enterprise: $779.00 per year for each user

Considering both the technical quality of the courses offered by the platform, as well as the scope of thematic areas and the diversity of courses offered by the platform, it is an excellent cost-benefit ratio.

Pluralsight has Free Courses

Pluralsight offers two possibilities in which you can access its content for free. One possibility is the 10-day free trial, where you create an account with payment details and get to know all the features of the premium version for free. Continuing with your active account, the amount will be debited monthly from your account. Another possibility is the free version, in which you have continuous access to the platform, but with limited resources.

Pluralsight has Certificate

The Pluralsight has certified for all students who complete their courses premium fulfilling all the requirements stipulated by the course in question. The certificate is validated and accepted in the academic and professional market. However, in the free version, even after completing the course within all its requirements, you will not have access to the certificate.

Who is Pluralsight for

Pluralsight is for everyone looking to acquire or update knowledge in the IT, Software Development and related areas. Investing in training through Pluralsight is ideal both for you who want to acquire knowledge from the basics to work in an area in which you do not have much experience, as well as for those who already work in the area and are looking to constantly update their knowledge. It also stands out for being an ideal option for companies looking to optimize their teams’ knowledge in specific IT areas.

User experience

Pluralsight’s user experience is quite satisfactory, and this is due in particular to features such as:

  • Qualified Learning Resources
  • Extensive content library and third-party course library
  • interactive content
  • Evaluation Management
  • Collaboration among multiple users

Pluralsight Instructors

The Pluralsight instructors are selected based on technical criteria, all of which are recognized authorities in their fields. All company courses are taught by people with proven experience and authority.

Pluralsight is worth it

The Pluralsight worth both for the professional who is entering the market, as for the professional who is already inserted and intends to continue updating their knowledge to excel in their ability to provide solutions.

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What is Udacity

What is Udacity

The Udacity is an innovator in the education sector, the result of an experiment at Stanford University, where Sebastian Thrun and Peter Norvig offered the online course “Introduction to Artificial Intelligence” for free. Currently, the company offers courses at different levels of expertise to train professionals in the following areas:

  • data engineering
  • Computer science
  • TI
  • Schedule

Udacity is accredited

Udacity is an accredited company, qualified to train professionals to work in different sectors of the Technology and Computer Science market. Its courses have a technical and professional level, and are recognized throughout the professional market.

How Udacity works

Udacity is worth it

Udacity works both as a platform for professional and very objective open courses, as well as a platform for more complete courses (so-called nanodegree courses). In both, the student has access to updated technical content, certificate accepted in the labor market and resources to interact with the support area. The main difference is that in the most complete course the student also carries out real projects, such as the ones the student will face in the job market.

Udacity Prices

Udacity’s free courses are priced between $29.00 and $59.00. The Nanodegree is a larger investment course, paid monthly while the student wants to access the content.

Udacity has Free Courses

Udacity has free beginner level courses in different areas. However, free courses do not offer certification. To receive certification for a free course you need to update your application. In addition, there are limited resources in the free mode, so that in some cases your demands may not be met with the free options.

Udacity has a certificate

Every private course held at Udacity offers a certificate. However, to receive the certificate you must have completed the entire course within the criteria stipulated by the platform. The certificate has professional validity and can help you position yourself in the labor market.

Who is Udacity for

Udacity is for everyone who wants to work in the areas of technology, computer science and adjacent areas. It should be noted that, despite having introductory courses at beginner levels, Udacity is more geared towards those who already have prior knowledge in the areas of interest, since the platform has very specific courses aimed at training professionals able to solve targeted market demands of work.

User experience

Because it was developed by professionals from Stanford University and because it is constantly committed to optimizing its resources and delivering its courses, Udacity’s user experience is considered satisfactory. In addition to having very intuitive fields for navigation, Udacity also has technical support to help its students. In addition, you can track your progress in different courses simultaneously, as well as interact with colleagues from these courses in order to optimize your learning and experience.

Udacity Instructors

Udacity instructors are experienced professionals in the fields of technology and computer science. Many of them work even today in contact with software development and troubleshooting in IT areas. In addition, there are also instructors with extensive academic training, some even having been professors at renowned universities in computing and technology courses.

Udacity is worth it

Both for those already working in the area and for those who want to acquire knowledge completely from scratch, Udacity is worth it for being a complete platform in terms of technical and professional content. In addition, it stands out in the market for offering both in-depth theoretical knowledge and the opportunity to carry out projects in a practical way.

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